Are you trying to conceive and feel alone and frustrated by it all?

You thought this would be easy and weren't prepared for the struggle. Why is it so hard when everyone around you seems to be getting pregnant easily?

  • You feel exhausted and don't know what to do

  • You hear your biological clock ticking and fear you are running out of time

  • Getting your periods feels like you have failed

  • It hurts seeing your friends with their babies

  • If you only knew what was going on

  • All the information out there is so confusing

Take a deep breath: You are in the right place

I have created something very special for you

Discover The Conscious Conception Online Experience

Together we go on a life-changing, eye-opening journey. You will free yourself from all frustrations and build the confidence and clarity you deserve. See what's included in the experience:

  • In-depth Online Course

    9 modules, a step-by-step process, packed with extremely insightful lessons that will absolutely change your life and your fertility, giving you all the understanding you need to bring your mind and body in the optimal state to conceive your baby and become a mother

  • Powerful Guided Meditations

    An entire library of guided meditations is waiting for you to support you in every aspect of your journey, from optimising your fertility to staying motivated from now until you are pregnant.

  • Personal Success Roadmap

    Receive my personal feedback on how you can make this experience a success. I will give you a clear roadmap on the next steps for you to take and where to put your focus so you can become a mother very soon.

Why This Is Different From Anything Else You Have Tried

You probably think you have tried everything to get pregnant and you really don’t know why this program should be different, right? I get that, there is so much information out there and everyone wants to sell you something. 

I don’t want to sell you anything, I want to empower you, I want to show you that everything you need to get pregnant is inside of you. No more running to the experts and searching for the next supplement or massage that will finally do the trick.  

Doctors look at the body, what is not working inside of the body. We look beneath that. We look at the person inside of the body, we look at you, with all your experiences, thoughts and feelings. Your mind and body are one system, constantly influencing each other. If you want to make changes to your body, if you want to prepare your body for conception and want to carry your baby to full term, you need to work with the part of you that is responsible for your bodily functions: your subconscious mind. 

In the Conscious Conception Course and Community, I will teach you how you can use your mind to influence your body and your entire life. This is not just positive thinking and mindset, we go much deeper. All information is stored in your subconscious mind, everything you ever thought, felt and experienced. Your subconscious mind is the driving force behind your entire life. 

Once you know how to work with and influence your subconscious mind, you are unstoppable. You have to be ready to look at your life, your thoughts and feelings, you need to do the work, it’s not a quick fix but it is so worth it and you will be so glad you enrolled in this program because it will influence your life far beyond your fertility.

When you sign up to the Conscious Conception Course and Community you will:

  • Understand why you haven't fallen pregnant yet or weren't able to carry to full term. You will know what to do about it and feel empowered by this understanding, feeling confident about your ability to get pregnant and become a mother

  • Feel ready and equipped with tools to use on a daily basis, to support yourself and get yourself ready for pregnancy and motherhood

  • Be able to enjoy your life again and you will feel in control, no more wishing, hoping and trying but trusting, knowing and enjoying

  • Feel relaxed and happy right now while being excited about your future

  • Feel strong in your relationship and emotionally balanced

  • Have an abundance of tools at your fingertips for dealing with upcoming anxiety and for stress reduction

  • Bring your body and mind in an optimal state, ready to conceive your baby

  • Have trust in your body again and its ability to carry your baby to full term

The Conscious Conception Course

Your Step-By-Step Success Blueprint

  • 1

    Welcome & Your Success Roadmap

    • Welcome Message

    • Your Success Formula (Important Read)

    • Healing Relaxation Audio

  • 2

    MODULE 1 Setting Yourself Up For Success

    • Awareness & Acceptance

    • Empowering Mini-Meditation

    • Intention & Choice

    • Clarity & Vision

    • Goal Setting For Motherhood

  • 3

    MODULE 2 Creating Balance In Your Life

    • Factors Influencing Your Fertility

    • Creating Your Supportive Environment

    • Balance In Your Relationship

    • Understanding Stress

    • How To Reduce Stress

    • How To Stop Worrying

    • How To Feel Less Anxious

    • How To Feel And Stay Motivated

  • 4

    MODULE 3 Uncover & Release Fertility Blocks

    • How Fertility Blocks Are Created

    • Identifying Fertility Blocks

    • Releasing Fertility Blocks

    • Installing Empowering Beliefs

  • 5

    MODULE 4 Specific Areas Of Healing

    • Miscarriage

    • Previous Terminations

    • Sexual Abuse

    • Your Own Birth

    • Getting Your Periods/ Becoming A Woman

    • Dysfunctional Family Relationships

  • 6

    MODULE 5 Resolving Fears & Inner Conflict

    • Introduction

    • Fears about pregnancy, birth, hospitals

    • Fear Around The Baby

    • Fears Around Motherhood

    • Fear Around Partner & Relationship

    • Secondary Infertility

    • Overcoming Perfectionism

  • 7

    MODULE 6 Understanding & Mastering The Mind-Body-Fertility Connection

    • Understanding The Mind-Body-Fertility Connection

    • Understanding How Your Mind Works & How To Use It So You Can Thrive

    • Understanding Your Emotions

    • How You Can Influence Your Body With Your Mind

    • Womb Healing

  • 8

    MODULE 7 Tools To Enhance Your Fertility & Life

    • Inner Resources

    • Breathing

    • Appreciation - Gratitude

    • Journaling

    • Affirmations - Statements Of Truth

    • Morning Routine

    • Visualisation

    • Surrender

    • Forgiveness - Freedom From Guilt And Shame

    • Mindfulness & Meditation

    • Taking Action

  • 9

    Guided Meditation Library

    • Womb Healing

    • Healing Light Relaxation

    • Fertility Block Release

    • Perfect Conception

    • Your Most Fertile Body

    • Forgiveness - Freedom From Guilt And Shame

    • Mini-Meditation "Let Go And Create Space For Your Baby"

    • Motivation & Belief

    • Your Baby Is Coming

    • Perfect Sperm for the Father-To-Be

    • BONUS: Perfect Pregnancy

  • 10

    BONUS: Baby Connection & Communication

    • Why You Should Care To Connect With Your Baby Before Conception

    • The Benefits Of Connecting With Your Baby

    • What Your Baby Wants You To Know

    • Receive A Message From Your Baby

    • Signs Your Baby Is Sending You

    • Ways To Enhance And Nourish The Connection With Your Baby

    • BONUS: Manifesting Your Baby

  • 11

    IVF Enhancement

    • Phase 1: Pre-Treatment & Preparation

    • Phase 2: Stimulation & Egg Collection

    • Phase 3: Embryo Transfer & Implantation

    • The Two Week Wait

This is your chance to make a change

Say YES To Yourself And Your Baby. For a one-time investment of $299 you can finally feel connected and supported on your way to motherhood while remarkably increasing your chances of getting pregnant.

Receive These Bonuses

This is an absolute power package

  • BONUS 1: Baby Connection And Communication Course

    Learn to connect and communicate with your baby already now before you are pregnant.

  • BONUS 2: Perfect Pregnancy Meditation

    I feel so confident that this course will make the change you desire that I have added a guided meditation that you can listen to when you are pregnant.

  • BONUS 3: Discounted 1-on-1 Sessions

    When you make this investment, you receive a $50 discount on my Rapid Transformation Therapy sessions which are 2 hours long and you also receive your personalised guided meditation.

Hi, I'm Nina

I'd love to guide and inspire you on your fertility journey. I am a fertility coach, Rapid Transformational Therapist and Hypnotherapist, working daily with women like you

What my lovely clients say:

"I am loving your program!! I wish I could spend more time on it! I know what I’m doing this weekend!!! :)"

 "Wow, this is exactly what I need right now."

"I have started the course and found it pretty insightful. Feels like it's really for me and what I am going through."

"I am on module 2 now. It's pretty exciting. I love the affirmations. Makes me feel calmer."

"There is definitely a shift happening inside since I started your course."

"Since I started this course, I truly feel that I am becoming a mother."

Tessa, The Netherlands

She had been on the conception journey for 15 months during which she experienced one miscarriage. She got pregnant 6 weeks after working with me and is now expecting her first child

"Working with Nina has been one of the best decisions I made towards my fertility journey. She’s been very supportive and just understands what I am going through. I just feel very connected with her and seeing her messages really brighten up my day.”

Rebecca, Myanmar

She is expecting a baby girl now after trying for over 2 years

"I really loved the affirmations, which I have been doing daily for months now. I also loved the audios that Nina made after our sessions, as well as additional audios she shared, which I listen to most days and help me to have a positive mindset during the day."

Angela, United States

She had been trying for 2 years, diagnosed with Unexplained Infertility

“Honestly, Nina is so caring and attentive. From the very beginning to now, she put so much thought into everything - from her audios, her encouraging emails, to her introspective thoughts -- it has all helped so much. She’s what I needed to help bring me out of the dark hole I was in."

Nienke, The Netherlands

After her and her husband underwent extensive testing, her doctor wanted to put her on medication. After our session, she was able to normalise her cycle herself and then went on to have a healthy pregnancy and birthed her daughter

"Within a few months after our session with Nina my cycle was regular and that gave me a great boost, my mind and body were able to heal itself. Such a great feeling! I changed my focus from a regular period to “expect to expect”. A few months later I found out we were expecting! Greatest feeling in the world.”

Jenna, USA

She was trying to get pregnant for over 2 years, with 4 failed IUI cycles

"I feel SO much more positive, hopeful, and excited and I feel much more like myself. More importantly, I've felt a huge shift in my feelings toward my body and have uncovered some deep wounds that needed to be healed. Ultimately, I now realize that healing was the real goal and is the greatest gift. It is the foundation for everything and I'm excited that a baby will be a gift within that.”


  • Will I benefit from this membership if I am doing IVF?

    Absolutely! This course and community will support you and you will bring your body and mind into the optimal state to conceive your baby, naturally or with a little help from your doctors. A special module for IVF success is part of this course, so you are all taken care of!

  • What if I have endometriosis, PCOS or fibroids. Will this course help me?

    YES. All physical manifestations have an emotional root cause and can improve by making changes to your lifestyle. This course will help you with this.

  • Will there be information on diet and supplements?

    No. Information around diet and supplements is rather easily researched online. This course focuses on how you can use your mind to improve your chances of getting pregnant.

  • Will I be able to be in touch with you directly?

    Of course! I will be present in the Facebook group daily and will hold life Q&As each week as well as inspire and teach you how you can support yourself during these times.

It's your time now

I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you to make your dream a reality!!!