When you sign up to the IVF Enhancement experience you will:

  • Feel supported and feel that you can cope during each step of the treatment

  • Prepare your body optimally for all stages of the treatment

  • Feel relaxed and prepared for each phase of your treatment

  • Have tools at your fingertips to make the IVF experience more enjoyable

  • Believe in yourself and your body that this is going to work

A Step-By-Step Experience

This course takes you by the hand and leads you through all phases of your IVF treatment

  • 1

    Phase 1: Pre-Treatment & Preparation

    • Setting Yourself Up For Success - Pre-Treatment & Preparation

    • Affirmations - Statements Of Truth

    • Journaling

    • Mindfulness

  • 2

    Phase 2: Stimulation & Egg Collection

    • How To Thrive During Stimulation & Egg Collection

    • Breathing

  • 3

    Phase 3: Embryo Transfer & Implantation

    • How To Thrive During Embryo Transfer & Implantation

    • Appreciation - Gratitude

  • 4

    Phase 4: The Two-Week Wait

    • How To Thrive During The Two Week Wait

    • Morning Routine

    • Surrender

  • 5

    Guided Meditation Library

    • Guided Meditation: Stimulation & Egg Collection

    • Guided Meditation: Embryo Transfer & Implantation

    • Guided Meditation: The Two Week Wait

    • Guided Meditation: Healing Light Relaxation

    • Guided Meditation: Womb Healing

    • Guided Meditation: Your Most Fertile Body

    • BONUS: Perfect Pregnancy Meditation

    • Guided Meditation: Perfect Sperm for the Father-To-Be

Hi, I'm Nina

I'd love to guide and inspire you on your IVF journey. I am a fertility coach, Rapid Transformational Therapist and Hypnotherapist, working daily with women like you

This is your chance to make a change

Say YES To Yourself And Your Baby. For a one-time investment of $49 you can finally feel connected and supported on your way to motherhood while remarkably increasing your chances of getting pregnant.

What my lovely clients say:

"I cannot thank you enough. I am having a dance party each time I inject myself."

 "This course really helped me to believe that I can get pregnant."

"Thank you, I couldn't have done it without you. The course gave me the confidence I didn't have before."

"I can't believe it, but my anxiety is gone and I feel so ready for this."

"I am so positive at all my appointments and I am telling everyone about you."

"Since I started this course, I truly feel that I am becoming a mother."

"I had no idea that feeling great could be this easy. Thank you for all that you do!"

"This round is so different from the one before like day and night. I hope many women will find this course."

It's your time now

I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you to make your dream a reality!!!